Transitional Housing for Men Living with HIV

Transitioning to Self Sufficiency


Providing services to enhance the equality of life and to promote the health of men infected with HIV/AIDS, by providing a comprehensive range or concrete and support services. The program ensures better-coordinated care and services, an opportunity of one-stop-shopping, cultural competency in service delivery and  enhances privacy and confidentiality of the client.


Applicants must meet the follow criteria for transitional housing services:


  • Positive diagnosis of HIV/AIDS infection.
  • Documented homelessness, lack of permanent.
  • Housing or risk of homelessness due to lack of.
  • Economic resources and/or support network.
  • Medial certification of:
  1.  HIV status 
  2. Non-contagious diseases (TB, Hepatitis, etc.)
  3. Ambulatory status (client must be medically ambulatory).
  • Proof of residency in Union County or Newark EMA at the time of admission.
  • Individual must be clean of drugs and alcohol for a minimum of three months at the time of admission.



  • Case Management
  • Substance Abuse Treatment
  • Supportive Groups
  • Individual Counseling
  • Concrete Services


For more information contact:

Claudia Ortiz

908-351-7727 Ext.244


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